
Thursday, October 18, 2012

News to tell!

Why now I'm in a good mood I have 212 page views thanks to you people who are visiting my blog!  Thanks I almost have a page views for every post that I've created! So things to tell you guys, that's happening in my life and sims world!

1) I am getting a cat..maybe!

I am getting a cat and I can't wait. It's going to be a girl, and I don't know it's type, breed or anything but I can't wait! Original I'm suppose to get it on Friday the 19 October but I think we might have to reschedule that because we need to make enough space for the cat..:D I'm still so excited! ^_^

2) Sorry for the extremely late delay of the sims 2 subscriber gift.

I have been super busy nowadays, I really have to start studying properly for school and sleeping more earlier and less of my laptop! I could be a lazy to improve on? :D 
Anyway so I just finished editing the fist picture of the gift and I had to do a ton of editing to the picture. but the quality isn't so good unfortunately! So will be upload tomorrow... then again... nope the weekends! Sorry!

And that's about it for me at the moment. It will be nice if some of you guys can comment it will support me in making more posts! That's about it by! 

Sorry no pictures! Goodbye! :D

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