
Tuesday, August 20, 2024


I cannot fathom how long it has been!  I present to you, a new post about 6 years, 11 months, and 1 day later!

Full catch-up read below!

I can honestly say I did forget about this blog for several years. However, I started thinking about it sometime last year. I tried to access the blog, but for some strange reason, Blogger was denying me access. At that point, I accepted that I had lost a blog I’d hardly maintained for over 10 years, which was a shame.

Until today, I decided to post... I’ll be honest—I didn’t wake up today thinking I’d make a post, but here we are. For some reason, I’ve regained access!

Honestly, I’m sad that I didn’t keep up with the blog more consistently over the past six years, but to be fair, I wasn’t posting much even before then.

Life got busy, and by life, I mean full-time education. In my last post, I had just started university, which is crazy to think about—it’s been almost seven years since I began uni. That’s insane! I’m actually 25 years old now, nearly 26, and with Covid having messed things up for everyone and everything in the world, I feel about 23 (or younger).

Adulting is hard—you really do just get thrown into the same cage as everyone else and have to build your life from that point onwards. I won’t deny that I have a lot of learning to do, and I mean a LOT, but I’ve definitely matured quite a bit since then.

I’m not sure about regularly blogging again; I’ll have to see, but in general, I do miss the days when I did. I know my grammar and punctuation were poor—even now, they’re not great—but honestly, this blog was created with just ME in mind, thinking, “I’m going to look back and read this someday,” and ironically enough, I have. To some extent, some of the things I’ve written are so cringeworthy that my mind can’t comprehend that I even wrote them, but I don’t regret it. Some things I wrote, I’m actually quite proud of. It made me realize that I’m not the monster I sometimes think I can be.

Anyway, I want to keep my silent readers in mind when I say that I’m alive and well. In terms of major life changes—well, I work a full-time job now, which consumes most of my time. My family dynamics have changed significantly since 2017, I lost my cat, but I also got a new one. There are a few other things, but honestly, they’re not worth mentioning. I think I’ll try to pop around here more often. I miss those days of blogging, and I don’t want to miss out on documenting my life, even though, in the bigger picture, not much has changed. But I am still VERY grateful for just that too. It dawns on me that while life can feel tedious and repetitive, it’s also a very blissful thing knowing I can almost always count on food, clothing, and shelter the very next day, and that’s a big win.

Anyway, this was just a short pop-in. I’ll try to post here and there, but no guarantees. I’d rather my posts speak for themselves! 😊 (Can you believe we have emojis on here now? I must be late to the game on this! 😂)

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